Qingdao Lianxin participated in the 2021 (10th) China International Coal Chemical Development Forum and Exhibition and was praised.
From October 17 to 19, 2021, the 2021 (10th) China International Coal Chemical Development Forum and Exhibition was held by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation at the Beijing International Convention Center. More than 500 experts, entrepreneurs and related industry professionals from all over the country gathered together to discuss how to better plan the "14th Five-Year Plan" development strategy and the 2035 vision target of the coal chemical industry under the current "dual carbon" background, and promote the clean, low-carbon and high-quality development of the industry.
Li Bin, Vice President of the China Petrochemical Federation, and Hu Qianlin, Standing Committee Member of the Federation Party Committee, Deputy Secretary-General, and Secretary-General of the Coal Chemical Special Committee, presided over the meeting.
Li Yongwu, former vice minister of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and former president of China Petrochemical Federation, and Li Shousheng, secretary of the Party Committee and president of China Petrochemical Federation, attended the meeting and delivered important speeches. At the meeting, President Li issued commemorative medals to outstanding workers who have made special contributions to the modern coal chemical industry in the past ten years. Academicians Zhang Yuzhuo, Xie Kechang, Chen Junwu, Jin Yong, Liu Zhongmin, Xie Zaiku, Bao Xinhe, Zhang Suojiang and more than 20 experts including He Yongde, Yao Min, Wang Fuchen, Li Yongwang, Shang Jianxuan, Yao Yuangen, Wei Fei, Sun Zhengtai, Fang Dingye, Zong Qiuyun (Qingdao Lianxin) were commended.
中国石油和化学工业联合会会长李寿生作了“落实习近平总书记榆林重要讲话精神,推动现代煤化工行业绿色低碳高质量发展”的报告,李会长在讲话中对采用先进技术,推动行业绿色低碳转型的企业作出裹扬:青岛联信催化材料有限公司开发的低水/气( CO)比耐梳变换新工艺,可以显署降低蒸汽的消耗和外排冷凝液的量,节能效果显著。