

The world's first pulverized coal gasification low water/gas sulfur-resistant shift ammonia production unit - Guangxi Liuhua - started up successfully
The world's first pulverized coal gasification low water/gas sulfur-resistant shift ammonia production unit - Guangxi Liuhua - started up successfully

In January 2007, QDB series catalysts and the new pulverized coal gasification low water/gas ratio sulfur tolerant shift technology were successfully applied in the world's first pulverized coal gasification low water/gas sulfur tolerant shift ammonia production unit - Guangxi Liuzhou Chemical Industry Company, filling the gap of pulverized coal gasification.

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The first domestic high-pressure partial deep shift methanol production unit---Yankuang Guotai---was successfully started up
The first domestic high-pressure partial deep shift methanol production unit---Yankuang Guotai---was successfully started up

In October 2005, QDB-04 catalyst was successfully used in the first domestic high-pressure partial deep conversion methanol production unit - Yankuang Guotai Chemical Co., Ltd.

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The first domestic high-pressure full-low-temperature ammonia production unit---Tianji Zhonghua Gaoping---was successfully started up
The first domestic high-pressure full-low-temperature ammonia production unit---Tianji Zhonghua Gaoping---was successfully started up

In May 2006, QDB-04 catalyst was successfully applied in the first high-pressure full-low-shift ammonia production unit in China - Tianji-Gaoping Sinochem Co., Ltd.

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