

Our company's conversion process package and catalyst were successfully started up in the world's largest coal-to-liquids unit, Shenhua Ningmei's 4 million tons per year coal-to-liquids project conversion unit
Our company's conversion process package and catalyst were successfully started up in the world's largest coal-to-liquids unit, Shenhua Ningmei's 4 million tons per year coal-to-liquids project conversion unit

Shenhua Ningmei 4 million tons/year coal indirect liquefaction demonstration project is the world's largest coal-to-liquid project with a single unit,

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Our company won the bid for the CO conversion device process package, catalyst and detoxification agent, and conversion furnace internals of Shenhua Yulin Circular Economy Coal Comprehensive Benefit Project


QDB catalyst successfully started up at Lihuayi Group's Shandong Lijin Petrochemical new unit
QDB catalyst successfully started up at Lihuayi Group's Shandong Lijin Petrochemical new unit

On December 8, 2015, the "QDB sulfur-resistant shift catalyst" of Qingdao Lianxin Catalytic Materials Co., Ltd. was successfully started up in the "93000NM3/h coal-to-hydrogen conversion unit" of Shandong Lijin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. of Lihuayi Group. ​

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QDB catalyst successfully started up at Lihuayi Group's Shandong Lijin Petrochemical new unit
QDB catalyst successfully started up at Lihuayi Group's Shandong Lijin Petrochemical new unit

On December 8, 2015, the "QDB sulfur-resistant shift catalyst" of Qingdao Lianxin Catalytic Materials Co., Ltd. was successfully started up in the "

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Summary of QDB catalyst performance in 2014
Summary of QDB catalyst performance in 2014

Successful application in the 1 million tons per year synthetic ammonia unit of "Zhongmei Ordos" Zhongmei Ordos Energy Chemical Co., Ltd.

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The world's first pulverized coal gasification low water/gas sulfur-resistant shift ammonia production unit - Guangxi Liuhua - started up successfully
The world's first pulverized coal gasification low water/gas sulfur-resistant shift ammonia production unit - Guangxi Liuhua - started up successfully

In January 2007, the QDB series catalyst and the new process of pulverized coal gasification low water/gas ratio sulfur-resistant shift were successfully applied in the world's first pulverized coal gasification low water/gas sulfur-resistant shift ammonia production unit - Guangxi Liuzhou Chemical Industry Company

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